BETTY PELAEZ, Periodista, Gestora Cultural, Empresaria. Directora Gral de La Agencia Mundial de Prensa Colombia. Prensa Especializada

Writing for me has always been easy, but writing to say goodbye to a friend for whom I had a lot of appreciation and special affection has been difficult. It is the first time I do it.

Le he pedido a Dios que me inspire, que broten de mis pensamientos y emociones las palabras para hacerle honor a un hombre que dejó grandes huellas, legados y muy buenos recuerdos. Obviamente que habrá algunos que no pensaran lo mismo, o que tal vez piensen diferente, pero yo hablaré por mi propia experiencia y la de sus amigos que también comparten mi sentir.

I have asked God to inspire me, to let words emerge from my thoughts and emotions to honor a man who left great footprints, legacies and very good memories. Obviously there will be some who do not think the same, or who may think differently, but I will speak from my own experience and that of friends who also share my feelings.

Su nombre original era OSCAR LUIS CUELLAR PINEDA , y su nombre artístico  de D´ALDO ROMANO, de  origen italiano (el nombre), además que con su imagen y tipología nórdica, le iba muy bien, dicho nombre artístico.

His original name was OSCAR LUIS CUELLAR PINEDA, and his stage name was D’ALDO ROMANO. His father had Romano as his second name and he adopted it for his new name because he was of Italian origin (the name), in addition to his image and Nordic typology that artistic name suited him very well.

Bueno aquí les comparto que D´ALDO, nació en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia.- Hijo de Alma Pineda y Luis Cuellar, cantante lírico del cual heredo el gusto por la música, en especial por el género lírico. Viajo a la Argentina y luego a  Estados Unidos donde estudio el canto clásico. Viajó a México donde estudio actuación en la academia de Andrés Soler.

Well, here I share with you that D’ALDO was born in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia.- Son of Alma Pineda and Luis Cuellar, a lyrical singer from whom I inherited a taste for music, especially the lyrical genre. He traveled to Argentina and then to the United States where he studied classical singing. He traveled to Mexico where he studied acting at the Andrés Soler academy.

 Miami  fue una de las  ciudades de residencia, también vivió  en New York y California.-

Miami was one of the cities of residence, he also lived in New York and California.-

Actúo en  Los Ángeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, entre otras más. De allí viaja a Japón, Australia y Europa cantando y actuando; de las que más recordó fueron con las  actrices Ana Luisa Pelufo y la doña Flor Silvestre.

I perform in  Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, among others. From there he travels to Japan, Australia and Europe singing and acting; The ones he remembered most were with the actresses Ana Luisa Pelufo and Mrs. Flor Silvestre.

He decided to settle in North America and took off first as an artist, performing on large stages and debuting alongside other artists of international stature, managing to make his American dream come true. D’Aldo participated in two of the most important television shows, Ed Sullivan and Pat Boone.

Entra al mundo discográfico como ejecutivo apoyando y promoviendo a otros artistas.- Gracias al conocimiento en el negocio de la música y del show business, fue contratado en LATIN AMERICA OPERATIONS, promoviendo e impulsando el talento iberoamericano.

He entered the recording world as an executive supporting and promoting other artists.- Thanks to his knowledge of the music business and show business, he was hired at LATIN AMERICA OPERATIONS, promoting and promoting Latin American talent.

Estuvo vinculado con Discos CBS, al frente de las operaciones de la CBS LATINOAMERICANA con una oficina en Miami. Logro integrarse y apoyar a los artistas con vocación y con interés en ser profesionales en la que  DISCOS CBS les dio la oportunidad a muchos.

He was linked to Discos CBS, heading the operations of CBS LATIN AMERICAN with an office in Miami. He managed to integrate and support artists with a vocation and an interest in being professionals in which DISCOS CBS gave many the opportunity.

Dentro de los artistas que lograron ser promocionados y proyectados internacionalmente se cuentan entre otros a Julio Iglesias, Pimpinela, Roberto Carlos, Rafaela Carra, y directamente participó en la firma con los artistas Jose Luis Rodríguez ¨El Puma¨, Gloria Stefan, Chayanne, Miami Sound Machine entre otros más.

Among the artists who managed to be promoted and projected internationally are Julio Iglesias, Pimpinela, Roberto Carlos, Rafaela Carra, among others, and directly participated in the signing with the artists Jose Luis Rodríguez ¨El Puma¨, Gloria Stefan, Chayanne, Miami Sound Machine among others.

Al retirarse de estas empresas, D´aldo crea una empresa de consultoría, desarrollo y promoción de  artistas.

Upon retiring from these companies, D’aldo created a consulting, development and promotion company for artists.

Betty Peláez – D´aldo

D´aldo era muy reservado y hablaba poco de sus relaciones personales.

D’aldo was very reserved and spoke little about his personal relationships.

D’aldo and I had known each other for more than 15 years, thanks to our common friend Jenny Manzur; It was a beautiful friendship, which was preserved through distance and time, we wrote to each other on the networks following each of our processes.

Como lo había anunciado su anhelo era pasar sus últimos años en Colombia , y obviamente Barranquilla su ciudad natal fue la primera y única opción. Quiso probar si podía emprender nuevos proyectos y continuar con sus actividades profesionales aun estando en uso de buen  retiro.  Se sentía productivo y con ganas de seguir aportando.

As he had announced, his desire was to spend his last years in Colombia, and obviously Barranquilla, his hometown, was the first and only option. He wanted to test if he could undertake new projects and continue with his professional activities even while in good retirement. He felt productive and eager to continue contributing.

I used to meet with D’aldo very often, he announced his arrival to the city and invited me to meet, he wanted us to work together, he wanted to know what projects we could carry out and so it was, as President of the Miss Latin America Colombia franchise, I invited him to be part of our work team, the organizational meetings were held in his apartment since due to a fall he had suffered in Miami before traveling to Colombia, it had left him with serious spinal injuries, so He had to undergo an operation with a long and complicated recovery. The most important thing was that his mind maintained lucidity and clarity of concepts and he was a great support to our team. He was always looking for what he could do, how to apply his knowledge as a consultant, which is why on several occasions we met with young people eager to start or promote their artistic career.

En una de nuestras acostumbradas reuniones, tuvimos una amena tertulia que fue una  inolvidable tarde en su apartamento en Barranquilla, estuvo con nosotros ni más ni menos que Jairo Martínez, mi gran amigo y también de D´aldo, quienes desde Miami se conocían y compartieron  muchísimas actividades.

In one of our usual meetings, we had a pleasant gathering that was an unforgettable afternoon in his apartment in Barranquilla, with us none other than Jairo Martínez, my great friend and also D’aldo’s, who from Miami knew each other and shared many activities.

Esa tarde los recuerdos afloraron, las risas, los abrazos, los reconocimientos a toda la trayectoria de ambos, en verdad para nunca olvidar. Compartimos con su sobrino Carlos Vargas Cuellar quien siempre estuvo al pendiente de él, con Nurys Castillo, Eduardo Picón, Liliana Gutiérrez, Silvia Bolaños, Diana Ávila entre otros.

That afternoon the memories surfaced, the laughter, the hugs, the recognition of both of their entire careers, truly never to be forgotten. We shared with his nephew Carlos Vargas Cuellar who was always looking out for him, with Nurys Castillo, Eduardo Picón, Liliana Gutiérrez, Silvia Bolaños, Diana Ávila among others.

Debido a las continuas terapias y tratamiento de recuperación se limito a participar de actividades públicas, pero siempre estábamos pendiente de visitarlo algunas veces de sacarlo a pasear, siendo una de ellas una invitación a nuestra querida Jenny al Hotel El Prado. Recuerdo que su último cumpleaños 85 sino estoy mal, vino especialmente su sobrina Claudia desde Miami y lo celebramos en el Toro Mac Coy, el estaba muy feliz por esa sorpresa ofrecida por Claudia.

Due to the continuous therapies and recovery treatment, he limited himself to participating in public activities, but we were always waiting to visit him sometimes to take him for a walk, one of them being an invitation to our dear Jenny to the Hotel El Prado. I remember that his last birthday was 85, if not I’m wrong, his niece Claudia came especially from Miami and we celebrated it at the Toro Mac Coy, he was very happy for that surprise offered by Claudia.

El pasado domingo fui a la iglesia y oré por su salud, pidiéndole a Dios por su pronta recuperación y en la noche me avisaron que se había puesto mal y lo llevaron a la clínica.  El dictamen médico fue una izquemia cerebral. Fui a la clínica, pero no pude verlo ya que estaba en UCI; pasamos 4 días de angustia y oración permanente hasta que Dios lo llamó a su presencia.

Last Sunday I went to church and prayed for his health, asking God for his speedy recovery and that night they told me that he had gotten sick and they took him to the clinic. The medical report was a cerebral ischemia. I went to the clinic, but I couldn’t see him since I was in the ICU; We spent 4 days of anguish and constant prayer until God called him to his presence.

El 19 de diciembre se realizaron las honras fúnebres y despedimos a nuestro gran amigo D´aldo Romano, quien quedará en nuestros corazones y  recordaremos con especial cariño.   

On December 19, the funeral services were held and we said goodbye to our great friend D’aldo Romano, who will remain in our hearts and we will remember with special affection.

Para sus familiares , nuestras sinceras condolencias.

For his family, our sincere condolences.

 Descanse su alma en paz.   

Rest your soul in peace.


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